81067. Введение в среду разработки в Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 and Dynamics 365

Длительность курса 5 дней/40 академ. часов.

100 000.00 Р


This course focuses on the capabilities and features of the development environment for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 and Dynamics 365 Financials. It explains the basic development concepts and provides an overview of the C/AL programming language and various object types.

What are the goals for this course?

  • Provide an overview of Microsoft Dynamics NAV
  • Provide basic understanding of Table Objects and Properties
  • Use Tables and Table Objects in the Development Environment
  • Use Pages and Page Objects to Create a User Interface
  • Introduce C/AL Programming
  • Assign Statements and Expressions
  • Use C/AL Statements
  • Use Conditional Statements and Boolean Expressions
  • Understand C/AL Functions
  • Develop Reports and Use Report Objects
  • Design a Data Model for a Report Layout
  • Use Word Layouts
  • Discuss XMLPorts and Import/Export Information
  • Explain how XML Files are Used
  • Discuss and Explain the CodeUnits Object
  • Provide Insight about .NET and Microsoft Dynamics NAV
  • Discuss Query Objects
  • Use Query Objects to access Information

What are the prerequisites to consume this course?

  • General developer knowledge
  • General Microsoft NAV knowledge


Module 1: Development Environment

Module Overview

Lesson 1: Object Designer

Lesson 2: 7 Objects & The Logical Database

Lesson 3: Managing Objects

Lesson 4: Properties and Triggers

Lesson 5: Team Development Features

Module Review

Module 1 Key Take Away

Test Your Knowledge Answers

Module 2: Tables

Lesson 1: What is a Table?

Lesson 2: Table Properties

Lesson 3: Table Triggers

Lesson 4: Field Properties

Lesson 5: Field Properties Data Types

Lesson 6: Table Relation Property — Regular

Lesson 7: Table Relation Property — Filtered & Conditional

Lesson 8: Keys

Lesson 9: Field Group

Lesson 10: Calculated Fields — Part 1

Lesson 11: Calculated Fields — Part 2

Lesson 12: Field Triggers

Lesson 13: Database Schema Synchronisation

Module Review

Module 2 Key Take Away

Test Your Knowledge Module 2

Test Your Knowledge Answers

Module 3: Pages

Module Overview

Lesson 1: What is a Page?

Lesson 2: Page Properties — Part 1

Lesson 3: Page Properties — Part 2

Lesson 4: Page Triggers

Lesson 5: What are Controls?

Lesson 6: What are Controls? — part 1

Lesson 7: What are Controls? — part 2

Lesson 8: Create a card page

Lesson 9: Create a List page

Lesson 10: Control Properties

Lesson 11: Control Triggers

Lesson 12: Using Page Parts

Lesson 13: What are actions?

Lesson 14: Action Properties

Lesson 15: Action Triggers

Lesson 16: Rolecenter Actions

Module Review

Module 3 Key Take Away

Test Your Knowledge Module 3

Test Your Knowledge Answers

Module 4: Introduction to C/AL Programming

Module Overview

Lesson 1: Application Language and Triggers

Lesson 2: Identifiers, Syntax and Variables

Lesson 3: Intrinsic Data Types

Lesson 4: Arrays

Lesson 5: Assignment Statements

Lesson 6: Symbol Menu and Code Completion

Lesson 7: Expressions

Lesson 8: Relational Expressions

Lesson 9: Logical Expressions

Lesson 10: Boolean Expressions

Module Review

Module 4 Key Take Away

Test Your Knowledge Module 4

Test Your Knowledge Answers

Module 5: C/AL Statements

Module Overview

Lesson 1: Statements

Lesson 2: Conditional Statements

Lesson 3: Repetitive Statements

Module Review

Module 5 Key Take Away

Test Your Knowledge Module 5

Test Your Knowledge Answers

Module 6: Buit-In Functions

Module Overview

Lesson 1: Data Access Functions

Lesson 2: Sorting and Filtering Functions

Lesson 3: Data Manipulation Functions

Lesson 4: Field Functions

Lesson 5: Interaction Functions

Lesson 6: String Functions

Lesson 7: Date Functions

Lesson 8: Numeric Functions

Lesson 9: System Functions

Lesson 10: Variables Functions

Lesson 11: ARRAY functions

Lesson 12: STREAM functions

Module Review

Module 6 Key Take Away

Test Your Knowledge Answers

Module 7: Custom Functions

Module Overview

Lesson 1: Functions & Parameters — Part 1

Lesson 2: Functions & Parameters — Part 2

Lesson 3: Make a custom function

Module Review

Module 7 Key Take Away

Test Your Knowledge Module 7

Test Your Knowledge Answers

Module 8: Reports

Module Overview

Lesson 1: Reports Components

Lesson 2: Report Design Process

Lesson 3: Creating the Data Model

Lesson 4: Properties: Report & Data Item Properties

Lesson 5: Properties: Column Properties

Lesson 6: Designing the RDLC Layout

Lesson 7: Designing the Word Layout

Lesson 8: Request Page Designer

Lesson 9: Report Triggers and Functions

Module Review

Module 8 Key Take Away

Test Your Knowledge Module 8

Test Your Knowledge Answers

Module 9: Codeunits

Module Overview

Lesson 1: CodeUnit Fundamentals

Lesson 2: Accessing Codeunits

Module Review

Module 9 Key Take Away

Test Your Knowledge Module 9

Test Your Knowledge Answers

Module 10: Query

Module Overview

Lesson 1: Query Designer: Selecting, Joining

Lesson 2: Query Designer: Filtering, Aggregating, Ordering

Lesson 3: Accessing Queries from C/AL — Part 1

Lesson 4: Accessing Queries from C/AL — Part 2

Lesson 5: Mapping Queries to T-SQL

Module Review

Module 10 Key Take Away

Test Your Knowledge Module 10

Test Your Knowledge Answers

Module 11: XMLports

Module Overview

Lesson 1: XMLPort Fundamentals

Lesson 2: Design XMLports

Lesson 3: XMLPort Properties

Lesson 4: Importing and Exporting Plain Text

Lesson 5: Using XMLPorts in C/AL Code

Module Review

Module 11 Key Take Away

Module Practice

Test Your Knowledge Answers

  • NAV